Thursday 3 May 2018

Did You Know

What do you know about cancer?

1. What is cancer?

Cancer is a diseases which happen during the abnormal cell growth or when the normal cell mutation and becoming potential to invade or spread in any part of our body. This cell later will become a solid called tumor, which stay at the parts of body and grow bigger.

2. Early Sign Of Cancer.

Not many know that their body have this dangerous cell. Most people only know about it too late, they already at stage 3 or 4. As a precautions, here the list how can we know when we already infected.

  • unexplained loss of weight or appetite.
  • persistent headaches, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, low-grade fever, either constant or intermittent.
  • coughing up blood.
  • cronic pains in bones.
early stage of cancer can be different depends on its type.

3. What Cause Cancer?

Cancer cannot inherited. Mostly cancer cell develop after you're born. So many can related as cause of development of cancer cell such as our daily diet, smoking, hormones, radiation from cancer causing chemical, obesity. Lack of exercise can also cause cancer.

Be careful, sometimes we feel very healthy. But what we don't even know, cancer cell already infected our body. Do care about our body. Do care about what you eat. Most cases that i heard or saw, all of them because of unhealthy diet. So many fast food in our world right now, but is it good for our bodies? Try organic food sometimes. Try balancing our diet too. Hope this blog can help many people out there.  

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